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How to change the broken glass window panel

If you have the old type of windows with separate pieces of glass in each pane, you can change only the broken panel. With a little experience, you yourself can replace the glass on one of these panels and save some money for the repair. Everything you need to get ready for work is: glass parts, which is available at most hardware stores or glass; some materials and tools . This technique only works for windows with wooden frame. Modern windows energy efficient with plastic frame will have to be repaired by a professional.

You will need

  • Needle nose pliers
  • Sealant gun
  • Glazing Compound
  • Spatula
  • Glazing points Tape
  • Aerosol sealant
  • Brush
  • Painting
  • Replacement glass
  • Heavy gloves
  • Sandpaper
  • Mineral spirits


  1. Put on gloves to avoid accidents. Use the needle nose pliers to remove all glass fragments that are still in the frame. If you need to break the glass, be sure to cover it with tape before, so they do not fly off.
  2. Removes all old putty or glazing compound with the spatula. You can soften these compounds with mineral spirits if necessary. Remove all glazing points. Use medium-grit sandpaper to sand the frame and any point mastic that are left. Inside the frame covering with a thin layer of new caulk; properly use the spatula to put it.
  3. Place the glass in the window carefully. Put points glazing around the glass frame every 5 inches (12.7cm); make sure you put two points close together near each corner. Press them in place with the spatula. Put another thin layer of putty around the glass and press it in place; this excess clean the glass and let it dry well. Drying times vary, so read the instructions to be sure.

Tips and Warnings

  • Make sure to dry everything thoroughly before proceeding to the next step, to protect the finish.

Put masking tape on any glass need breaking, to make it safe and easy to colle
